Well, in this case, a stressful situation did actually bring me and William closer. He was supposed to fly out on Cinco de Mayo headed towards Nigeria for a short while (business not pleasure). William was flying out of Atlanta which is about 1 1/2 to 2 hours away. Long story short, he missed his plane and his rental car was impounded! He rented a second car and came home to get me. We are both severely navigationally challenged and driving in Atlanta can be hectic and extremely confusing, especially for someone with this type of challenge afflicting them. WE DID IT THOUGH....got to the police station, obtained the release, then made it to the place where the cars are kept (which wasn't that close by), and then back to the airport to turn in one of the cars. I had to keep reminding myself how I would want someone to act if I were in that situation so I tried to sooth his nerves even though mine were shot...in turn, he did the same for me, we really had to lean on each other and it seemed to bring us so close. I ended up getting us a hotel room and we went out to dinner to unwind after what seemed an entire Saturday of stress. We had planned on getting up and going to Six Flaggs before heading back to Birmingham, but it was raining. So we had a leisurely breakfast and hit the road. He'll be leaving on Wednesday and I'm planning on driving him this time to see him off. But I don't think I've felt closer to him since we've gotten back together. It's nice knowing that someone genuinely has your back. I'm sure he knows I have his too.