I know an update is long overdue...my hands are still busy stitching, so that's my excuse for the lack of blogging. My mother's bedspread is still unfinished, but at least she has decided that she wants a Queen sized bedspread instead of King since she has finally decided to downsize her bedroom furniture. This time of year I'm usually trying to get as much inventory as I can get done for the Fall season, my Etsy shop is empty except for patterns right now. It seems that whenever I prepare to work on inventory, another commissioned job seems to come up. So glad I really enjoy the work, especially around this time of year, which is usually pretty slow when it comes to crochet items.
I've done a couple more yarn bombing projects lately. On May 23rd, "Traci" (the accomplice) and I yarn bombed the front of the YMCA for a health fair. They really seemed to enjoy it and actually brought tables out front (which I had never seen them do in the past). There are actually a few pieces that are still out front, including the bike rack cover that was inspired by the Loch Ness Monster. The last piece I did was the child's chair "Chair-y Bomb" for a church benefit. I was told by the artist who commissioned me (and many other artists to paint or decorate chairs which were all auctioned) that my chair brought in the most $$$. We are discussing future yarn bombing projects for the very near future.
Lastly...I'm somewhat reluctantly getting into the photography props game as well and recently got a few professional photos of my first pieces. It's difficult for me to enter this field because of the sizing questions and then taking photos that are effective (without using any of those creepy life sized baby dolls). Still tweaking a few patterns, but I think I'm off to a pretty good start. There is also a new shrug pattern close to completion also. Stay tuned!