An actual update...I'm really going to try to do this more often, but we'll see how that goes. The festival that I was preparing for was rained ALL DAY with the exception of a few hours. I was miserable, jeans soaked and the booths all seems to be right on top of a river of water. Although I did sell enough to make my booth rental fees back, so it wasn't a complete waste, and I handed out a lot of cards. I ended up throwing my tent away after the event, I will NEVER deal with another one of those "put the poles together" types again!
Anyway...I've been crocheting like mad lately. Sales are starting to pick up a little on Etsy as the cooler weather approaches. Last Saturday it rained all day, so I sat out on the deck, listening to an audiobook (Twilight) and working on my latest project, the Ejitu Slouchy Cape Shrug. This design is inspired by the Dinky Cape created by Keep and Share (SHOP: This was a knit pattern, so I created a crochet version and still working on the pattern which is about 97% done now, just having trouble with the PDF conversion, something weird is going on with my diagrams.
Donna, I love the Ejitu-need a tester or is the pattern almost ready for purchase?