Grandma called me when I got home yesterday asking if I had had a chance to make the red hat she asked me for last week. Well, it had completely slipped my mind and I felt horrible. I asked her when she needed it and she said Wednesday for a Valentines dance she was going to at a senior's center. So I hung up the phone, went to my yarn stash and came across some TLC Amore yarn in two shades of red and frantically went to work making the tam. About 1 1/2 hours after that, I went to work on a scarf to match and to make myself feel better about forgetting the hat in the first place. I took it by her place after work and she LOVED it, it looked so cute on her, perfect fit and everything. My mother, who had been over the night she called and learned I had forgotten, went by and saw the set. She felt compelled to call since I'm sure she talked about me not making the hat in the first place. She was shocked that I had made time to make the set for her and she said she loved the yarn and colors (that'll teach you to talk about people mom!).
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